OFAC and Anti-Boycott Compliance: Mitigating the Risks

February 28, 2024

Event Details

February 28, 2024

3:00pm - 4:00pm

via Webinar

The Office of Foreign Asset Controls ("OFAC") of the US Department of Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions, based on US foreign policy and national security priorities. The Office of Anti-Boycott Compliance at the Bureau of Industry and Security helps companies navigate other countries’ boycotts, in which the US does not participate. Join us for a high-level introduction of these programs.

Your Host

Melissa Pinheiro

Manager, Corporate Compliance, PSA BDP

When she joined BDP in 2004, Melissa Pinheiro brought a strong regulatory background and expertise in various aspects of import/export compliance. As Corporate Compliance Manager for PSA BDP, Melissa promotes compliance training and education, both internally and externally, for clients within the PSA BDP family. She also assists customers with some of the more complex regulatory issues that arise in their supply chains. Prior to joining PSA BDP, Melissa was an associate with the international trade boutique law firm of Donohue and Donohue in Philadelphia, and worked in the Office of the United States Trade Representative in Washington, DC. Member, Bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Bar of the Court of International Trade.