Seventy-two percent of international businesses operating in Singapore expect the COVID-19 outbreak to impact 2020 revenue, according to a survey released Wednesday by the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. Chamber members, which include American businesses and businesses with substantial American interest participated in the survey, according to the organization's membership directory.
The outbreak has affected operations "to a great extent" for 43% of logistics companies operating in the Asia-Pacific region with 57% of logistics companies saying operations were "somewhat" impacted. The outbreak has affected operations "to a great extent" for 37% of companies in the manufacturing industry, another 37% said their operations were "somewhat" impacted.
Source: Supply Chain Dive
Coronavirus is beginning to impact shipping operations in the Indian subcontinent.
Blanked westbound Asia-North Europe sailings mean export containers out of India that tranship at Colombo are not being picked up.
In addition, the widespread closure of automotive component production facilities is having a severe impact on India’s burgeoning car manufacturing industry.
Source: The Loadstar
Members of the Mohawk First Nation erected the blockade in Tyendinaga, Ontario, in solidarity with another tribe's conflict over a pipeline.
It has cut off major cross-country train routes, and led to about 1,500 temporary layoffs and supply shortages.
The conflict began over opposition to a pipeline, but it is also about broader issues like indigenous land rights.
Police are enforcing a court injunction that was ordered earlier this month on behalf of CN Rail.
Source: BBC
Even before the coronavirus outbreak, scrubber retrofits on container vessels at Chinese yards were subject to substantial delays.
According to Alphaliner data, pro-scrubber carrier MSC has seen its ships “severely delayed”, with the longest stay to date the 19,437 teu MSC Erica, which has been idle for 175 days.
The consultant also notes that MSC also has a number of ships waiting in queues to enter Chinese yards, including its 14,036 teu MSC Clorinda, which has been anchored off Ningbo since mid-November.
Source: The Loadstar
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its member states have agreed on the draft amendments to MARPOL Annex I to ban the use and carriage of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by ships in Arctic waters on and after July 1, 2024.
The draft amendments will be submitted to the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) to be held in October with a view to approval and circulation for adoption at MEPC 77 in spring 2021.
Source: World Maritime News