Some people wondered “why Dubai?”, but once we were there, the reasoning was one hundred percent evident. At every single table during the event, there were no less than three nationalities, professional backgrounds and industries, upbringings, and career paths. At my table alone, we had eight women, all from different countries. This provided us with the opportunity to engage with women from the BDP family, as well as customers and partners from different regions. We were thanked numerous times for starting this important conversation in the Middle East, because with so many diverse backgrounds in one room it truly felt like a global event as opposed to a local one.
The success of the event was evident at the buzz of conversation at the lunch afterward - many connections were made, and future plans started... After the event, the attendees from BDP had a private meeting to start the discussion about women at BDP. Since returning to Philadelphia, many of our female colleagues have approached me to thank BDP for hosting such an event and express their desire to do something locally.
I felt such pride to take part in this event not only as a female but as a member of the BDP Family. I am honored to be a part of an organization that not only represents, but stands for the values of dignity, respect, and diversity in the workplace.
Join BDP on September 12, 2018, for our Women in Business event in Philadelphia! We will be joined by our keynote speaker Martha Raddatz, ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent and co-anchor of "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."
A BDP International event, sponsored by Willis Tower Watson.