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industry insights covid-19

Coronavirus impacts the global supply chain, creating a number of escalating risks. What you need to know.

industry insights

For companies participating in the global flow of products and materials, the United States-China Phase One trade deal was welcome news. The January 15, 2020, start date kicks off a two-year period during which China will purchase an additional $200 billion worth of U.S. Farm products, good and services, more than doubling its 2017 total and earning it headliner-status among domestic news stories.

industry insights talking trade

Neil Wheeldon, VP of Solutions, reviews the recent WEF meetings in Davos, Switzerland and touches upon some key takeaways for both the world at large and the world of supply chains.

industry insights

Michael Ford, VP of Government and Industry Affairs reviews the impending changes to the Harmonized Tariff System that will go into effect in January 2022.

industry insights talking trade

In the latest episode of Talking Trade, VP of Government and Industry Affairs Michael Ford reviews some excellent business practices for companies to have in place as they examine their overall import and export processes.

industry insights

In his latest blog post, Jose Martinez, Regional Director of South Europe takes a deep dive into supply chain visibility and its evolution.

industry insights

VP of Government and Industry Affairs Michael Ford reviews the proper steps to consider when reviewing the correct classification of a product.

industry insights

Michael Ford, VP of Government and Industry Affairs reviews the announcement of additional tariffs on steel and aluminum products set to take effect on February 8.

industry insights

With the House of Representatives and US Senate voting to pass the USMCA (NAFTA 2.0) last week, the bill is now one step closer to ratification as it now heads to President Trump’s office for official signing.

industry insights

While customers expect ever-decreasing delivery times, placing ever-increasing demands on the supply chain, the focus on fast should never come at the expense of workplace safety.